Recent developments

People for Harmony Network

CCI-India mooted the idea of social harmony and the need for a forum to promote this during attack on Christians by Hindu fanatics in India in 2008 and a secular non-political forum called ‘People for Harmony’ was formed through the active involvement of CCI.

2010: Year of Consolidation

Year for Priests – Cardijn Project: June 2009 – June 2010 was declared as the Year for Priests by Pope Benedict. CCI wanted to promote Cardijn in this Year for Priests by organising various events and publishing the works of Cardijn in order to sensitize priests on the need for their active participation in development and integral human development work.

Two meetings, one at the national level in India and one at the Asia-Pacific level were planned with the title ‘Priests 4 Change’. Owing to local opposition, the ‘Priests 4 Change and Transformation’ meeting in Kuala Lumpur was cancelled at the last minute.

However, the one day ‘Priests 4 Change’ Meet in Nagercoil, India in May 2010 was successfully organised by the CCI-India in close coordination with the CCI International Coordination. Paul Sinnappan, CCI Asia-Pacific Coordinator attended this Meet along with M. J. Ruben, the International Convenor and Fr. Servatius, CCI International Collaborator. 28 Animators and lay leaders participated in this Meet.

CCI International Coordination Meeting

The International Coordination met in Kuala Lumpur on 29 - 30 May 2010 for a review of the work done so far and to plan for the future.

Theresa (Philippines) from IYCW Asia-Pacific and My Chi Tran, a former YPD leader, also participated in the Coordination meeting.

Important decisions of this meeting:

Specific identity of CCI as a resource team with a Christian identity with the spirituality of Cardijn based on See Judge Act.
To continue with the theme of ‘Peace education towards sustainable development’ till the next General Assembly.
Vatican 2 + 50

To launch a 3 years project from 2012 to 2015 commemorating the 50th anniversary of Vatican II with the following objectives:

i) to review the spirit, teachings and decisions of Vatican II
ii) to evaluate the support of the church to social action groups and organisations
iii) to ask for increased lay participation
iv) demand social commitment of the church
v) compile testimonies of lay leaders who lived the spirit of Vatican II
vi) Organise an international forum comprising international and national lay organisations, religious congregations and societies
Launching Conference in 2012

Campaigns, websites, publications, conferences, seminars at the local, national, regional and international levels

2015: Final conference in 2015

Cardijn Media

Popularise works of Cardijn
Compile testimonies of Cardijn movement martyrs/leaders in audio/video/print formats.
To register CCI as a company in Malaysia/Philippines wherever possible
Centenary of YCW in 2012: Plans will be elaborated soon
New Pentecost 2011: ‘Peace Education towards Sustainable Development’ will be theme for the celebration of New Pentecost 2011
Extension Plans


In August 2010, Stefan Gigacz and M. J. Ruben visited the Philippines to launch CCI there. Kins Aparece, former IYCS-Asia and Juanito Penequito, former IYCW International President did the preparatory work for the launch. 28 former and current leaders from YCW, CSA(YCS) attended the two day meeting to launch and to plan for the future. CCI is active now in 2 regions (Metro Manila and Bohol.

Rev. Batara, a Lutheran Pastor and YPD member from Indonesia also accompanied the CCI team to the Philippines to see for himself how the process of See Judge Act application.


Following his personal encounter with the CCI team in the Philippines, in October 2010, Pastor Batara Sihombing launched CCI in Medan, North Sumatra with a team of 3 other Lutheran pastors who are interested to apply the See Judge Act in their parish ministry.

This is the first CCI group at the international level comprising exclusively of pastors of Lutheran denomination.

Stefan Gigacz, International Coordinator, worked in Indonesia along with this team in October 2010 and personally briefed them on See Judge Act.

This is a clear indication that the See Judge Act method has a universal appeal.

This historic development is also a testimony to the tireless efforts of the CCI to promote Cardijn’s spirituality, vision and methodology.


Contacts were also made in Vietnam.

Sri Lanka

In January 2011 a team comprising M. J. Ruben, International Convenor, Fr. Servatius, International Collaborator, Ms Glynis Joseph, Asia-Pacific Coordinator and Ms Kins Aparece, National Coordinator of CCI-Philippines visited Sri Lanka to work along with Ruki Fernando, CCI International Coordinator to strengthen contacts and to study the situation of the country, possibility for extension, etc.

Cardijn Media/Website

CCI as a resource team is constantly updating its skills to give to the world Cardijn’s thoughts, works, writings, speeches, his vision and method.

Despite the fact that CCI is not funded by any external agency, it has so far brought out the following publications:

1. Brochure on CCI in 2007 on the occasion of the 40th death anniversary of Cardijn

2. ‘Lay Apostolate – the Urgent Need’ by Cardijn – in 2008 – released by Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore

3. ‘Priests and the Laity in the Church’s Mission’ – speech by Cardijn in 1951 – published on the occasion of the Year for Priests in May 2010 – released by the Vicar General, Kottar Diocese, Tamil Nadu, India

Fr Thomas Joseph

4.’Christian Workers in Action’ written by Fr. Thomas Joseph, YCW/CWM Chaplain since 1950 – released by the Auxiliary Bishop of Madras-Mylapore in October 2010

5. Training Module on See Judge Act – the first of its kind training module at the international level. Released during this GA 2011 in Bangkok in July 2011

We hope to register a Media Company under the name ‘Cardijn Media’

Websites is now in French too ( The website is being updated on a regular basis. is a site for all resources of Cardijn’s works.

All efforts are made to translate more documents.

CCI is in urgent need of volunteers who can do translation and editing the website from time to time. is another website giving details of the efforts of CCI

Benchmark achievements by national CCI groups


Conference on ‘Rediscovering Joseph Cardijn for the New Millennium’

A Conference on the theme 'Rediscovering Joseph Cardijn for the New Millennium' was organised by CCI-Australia at Cardijn College, Adelaide from the 9th to 11th October 2009.

There were a little over 60 delegates comprising YCS and YCW leaders, former YCSrs and YCWrs and staff members and students of Cardijn College.

Stefan Gigacz represented the International Coordination of CCI.

See-Judge-Act Workshop

A one day See-Judge-Act workshop was held in Adelaide on Saturday 26 June 2010.


First General Assembly

CCI-India held its first General Assembly in May 2010 in Nagercoil, South India. A National Team with a one year mandate was elected at this General Assembly in which around 30 leaders from different chapters attended.

Youth 4 Change – Youth Conference

A national conference on the theme ‘India Today: The Youth, Church and Social Commitment’ was organised as part of the Year of the Youth celebration.

68 young people including 7 priest animators attended the national conference which was held from 6th to 8th January 2011 at Goa, India.

‘Goa Declaration’ calling for increased role for young people in all structures of the Church was issued at the end of the conference.

Training of Trainers on Review of Life

A Training of Trainers on Review of Life was held in two stages in December 2010 for 2 days in Salem and in Madurai for 2 days in March 2011.

At the end of the TOT, they came up with inputs for a Module on See Judge Act.

The International Convenor M. J. Ruben was the trainer of this TOT.


Just a couple of months after the launch of CCI in the country, CCI Philippines launched an inquiry into the impact of Joseph Cardijn and of the See-Judge-Act method on the lives of people.

An online inquiry form has been posted enabling people to share their own experience of the use of the see-judge-act in their own lives and communities.

The objective of the survey is to discover how people who have experienced the Cardijn movements have applied its methodology in their lives subsequently.

The CCI Chapters in the two regions of Metro Manila and Bohol are meeting regularly everything and doing the review of life in their meetings.

Extension in Europe, North and South America and Africa

In order to be true to its character, CCI wants to strengthen its network in places where there are direct members and also to launch CCI in Europe, North and South America and Africa.

CCI does not want to replicate any other Cardijn movement but offers a possibility for those who have been in the Cardijn movements at one point in their lives and who wish to live the same spirit even now. The strengthening of CCI will automatically refresh existing movements particularly of the young people as the accumulation of experiences manifest in CCI will give hope and act as a ‘catalyst’ to commit their lives to build a more just and green world.